Tuesday, December 29, 2020

8 Dec 2020 Prediction of Trump’s Future


For four years I have watched Donald Trump and predicted that the end of his term in office would be the worst in history. I also recognize the problems of prediction of human behavior, but I am writing this so that I can think through what I expect to happen.

Donald’s personality is built around narcissism and is defended by total denial of reality. He continues, 30 days after the election, his massive denial of the results in November. My explanation of that behavior rests on my belief that everything he does is meant to further his own personal well-being. He is using the myth of a fraudulent election as a way of continuing to keep his fundraising operation running at full tilt. He has no serious belief that he can overturn the election but what he can do is raise enough money to isolate himself from feeling the impact of his defeat. The PACS to which he is sending the money is simply a ruse to pile up cash to protect himself from the ultimate reality that he knows will come. A careful reading of the paper every day reveals that the wolves in the judicial system are circling him and his family. His children are being questioned and he knows what is coming. In the past he's always been able to protect himself by bringing lawsuits and attacking his accusers. This time he recognizes his vulnerabilities.

Don’t be surprised if he resigns from office on January 15th and President Pence then pardons him after he pardons all his family of Federal Criminal crimes. He will have raised all the money he can and now he can leave.


He is now going to become hunted man by all of those who have been outraged in the past. I fully expect him to run the fundraising machine right up to and including inauguration. Despite his best efforts to create trouble in the United States House of Representatives when the Electoral College meets, he will be faced with the fact that Joe Biden has won this election. One can only guess what his enablers in the House and Senate will do at that point. This would be a sideshow as the legislative branch of the Republican Party tries to extract itself from the hole that they have been digging during the last four years. More about that later.


If is he free from Federal criminal convictions Donald is still exposed to civil suits, both at the federal and local level.  He is also exposed to local criminal charges. If you simply Google “countries without a extradition treaty to the US” you find there are many places that he could go to get away from the US court system. Top on the list of course is Russia. He could take up residency with Edward Snowden in avoiding American law. Other options might be Saudi Arabia or Mongolia or the Democratic Republic of Congo. Any one of a dozen African countries would be a possibility except perhaps they will remember what he called them when referring to their status in the world.


From this position outside the United States he could continue to run all his businesses unless of course United States government froze his assets. We know from his son's mouth, the fact that most of his financing has come from Russia in the past. We know that he is 400 million dollars in debt, and we have no idea who his debtors are. Leaving the United States may free him from the rule of law in the US, but it is unclear to me what his plan is for evading the tsunami of debt that is coming toward him.


Consider his options: he could start a  TV program on Russian television and make a lot of money, undermining our Democratic system from abroad with his endless lies and insinuations. Usually a president can count on those he helped when he was in office to help him when he is outside office but once he leaves the United States he makes it much more difficult for his old friends to send him money.

One source you must not forget is the value of intelligence about our security apparatus. Saudi Arabia is a country that does not have an extradition treaty with the US.  Giving away or selling intelligence is treason punishable by death.  Joe Biden should remove Donald and Jareds’ security clearance by executive order by 1PM on inauguration day.


Never forget that money is the main and only source of Trump's feeling of self-worth. His use of the presidency as a cash making machine has been the most egregious in the history of our country. Many of the people who have left the office, have enriched themselves immensely once out of the office, but very few of them have tried to continue to raise money during the entire time they were in public service and on the public payroll.

He reminds me of George Washington Plunkitt who was in the state Legislature of New York around the turn of the 19th century. New York was beginning many infrastructure projects in the 1890’s and Mr Plunkett was in real estate had a sand and gravel yard which fit nicely into the paving contracts for the city. He made himself a fair piece of change which someone challenged. His reply was, “I seen my opportunities and I took him”. Donald Trump raise this philosophy to the zenith in the politics of this country.

Donald’s legacy to this country will be profound. He has used the corporate communication systems as a bullhorn for the destruction of democracy. The leadership in the Corporations of industry dedicated to communication has been feckless almost to a person in standing up to the endless lies and misrepresentations and destruction that he has made in the public's belief in democracy. The Washington Post counted his lies, but they continue to give him publicity. What is freedom of the press all about? That issue will have to be discussed. An even larger question is the part played by the so called “Tech platforms”. They, on a daily, basis amplified the lies and misrepresentation by the president.


The second legacy the president will have is the COVID-19 epidemic and its disastrous aftermaths. Much of this is as a direct result of the president's desire related to money to perpetuate the myth that we can go on having a raging economy in the midst of a raging epidemic. He was told by reputable people who knew this was not possible, but he went ahead and did it anyway because he had to keep the image of someone who had made America great again. To admit that nature had defeated him was not within his psychological capabilities. His father told him you must never be a loser and by God he was not going to be a loser to a virus. The losers in this battle for a vaccination will be the less able in the developed and undeveloped world.

 At this moment nearly 300,000 people have died in this country, in part, because he refused to follow any advice of a positive nature. Even at the end when a vaccine is within grasp he denied the request to buy a significant number of vaccination doses from one company because he had invested in another company and he wanted them to get the first shot with the American people.  As the vaccine rolls out, he will try to take credit for being the savior of the world because he shut off immigration from China and financed the Pharmaceutical industry in producing vaccines. This story isn't over because there is no plan in the United States for successfully distributing the vaccination doses nationwide that has any rational basis to it. The ugliness of crony capitalism will certainly rear its head in the month of January as the vaccinations are spread across the country.


There is a more powerful impact to his legacy then either of the other things which are self-evident. The most powerful impact of Donald trump's four years in the White House is on the moral upbringing of our children. Our children have been witness to a president who has proven that if you have enough power or will or obstinacy you can get away with anything. It doesn't take a child psychiatrist like me to make clear that if you're a parent and trying to teacher a child to tell the truth that you will have no response when the child says,” but the president lies and he gets away with it. why can't I?”


California city mayors and the governor have recently gotten their comeuppance. They put out orders for people to wear masks, wash their hands, socially distance and stay at home. They then walked down to the airport and got on planes and flew halfway across the continent in direct contradiction of their own orders. Raising children by the standard of “do what I say! Not what I do!” leads to very disastrous results. If you don't lead by example you create in a child a cognitive dissonance in relationship to how they should behave. “My parent gets away with it so why can't I.” None of us are so perfect or so pure as not to have fallen victim to our own weaknesses but to have the president of the United States for four years blow off all the rules and norms and standards of our society while paying no price whatsoever will have a long term effect on the morality and sense of the common good in this society.


You already have the United States Senate led by Mitch McConnell refusing to negotiate a piece of legislation that would protect families from hunger and eviction from their houses. It's particularly ironic that it is occurring at Christmas time. McConnell's comment was, “Where did you get the idea that I cared?” That's the temperature of the United States Congress for the next four years. Remember he was the one that said, “My number one objective is to prevent Barack Obama from getting a second term.”


Although he hasn't said it yet I have no doubt that Mitch has set his objective for the next four years:“ I intend to prevent Kamala Harris from having any chance whatsoever to be the next president of the United States .” Just as he spent eight years undermining Barack Obama's attempts at climate change prevention and health care expansion, I expect him to in a myriad of ways undermine any attempt by Joe Biden and especially his vice president to accomplish anything.


Each night when I go to bed, I pray the God will elect two senators in Georgia who will change the balance in the US Senate. In any case this is going to be a very tough two years. Most people have forgotten that this is the time in 2011 that the Republicans won control of statehouses and therefore the redistricting process of 2010. This led to the most awesome abuse is that we've seen in gerrymandering on a large scale. I expect the same to be put in motion in 2021 to be brought out in public in the election of 2022. The Democratic house as a slim majority and I expect you will see a very tumultuous fight in 2012.


Meanwhile Donald Trump will be sitting in Moscow undermining democracy which might inevitably lead to an autocracy. The destruction of the Weimar Republic in Germany preceded Hitler. The French Revolution ended with a dysfunctional democracy, followed  by Napoleon.

All this brings to mind the story about Benjamin Franklin coming out of the constitutional convention in Philadelphia in 1789. He met a woman who said, “Mr Franklin, what kind of a government do we have? A monarchy or a republic.” He responded, “We have a Republic if we can keep it.”  The emphasis was on “IF”.


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