Tuesday, December 14, 2021

14 December 2021 There is no Democracy with a Filibuster


On the 25th of August 2009 Ted Kennedy died. With his death the Senate Democrats lost the votes to defeat a filibuster and pass Obamacare. I spoke to my senators and told them that it would be impossible to pass a good Healthcare bill using the rules of the Senate to avoid the undemocratic 60 vote rule.

All the resulting problems with passing Obamacare that persist to this day are still traceable to it birth in a Reconciliation bill. If one looked then, you could see the coming paralysis of today’s Senate.  We are now down to 50-50 with the vice President as a tie breaker. So even one self-centered Senator can frustrate the President and the American people’s desire for free and fair elections and the programs contained in the Build Back Better legislation.

If one contemplates history one can see the future. Two books and one article are plenty to convince one of the dire nature of the present paralysis threat will lead to Totalitarian rule. In 2003 Richard Evans, a British historian wrote, The Coming of the Third Reich, which tells the tale of what happened before Hitler. Steven Levitsky and Daniel Ziblatt  in 2018 wrote,  How Democracies Die, which tells the history of a number of countries that have preceded the USA down the rabbit-hole into Totalitarianism.

The next Atlantic Monthly has a article by Barton Gellman, Trump’s Next Coup Has Already Begun. If the two books don’t make you uneasy this article will.  All three tell the same story from different perspectives.

Like a fall on a glacier there is a chance to arrest the slide into disaster. It requires swinging hard and burying your ice axe in the ice.  Dick Durbin and Chuck Schumer must call Sinema and Manchin into their office and deliver an ultimatum.  “Either you will vote to amend the Senate rules by a majority vote or we resign” and you can try to resurrect the Senate from the ruins of the Tornado.  The Senate will look like Kentucky after the last week but it will be clear that the Democrats tried to act before we lose the House in the 2022 elections and our Democracy in 2024.”

This will not solve everything immediately but it will create momentum to pass election law reform and additions to the safety net Laws so that the effects will be felt in the election of 2022.  Time is rapidly passing and each day of Paralysis in the Senate is one day closer to the election of an autocrat whomever he or she may be.

The time has come to Stand in our Democracy rather than to protect Senatorial privilege. My old friend Warren G Magnuson, when asked about running for the Presidency or seeking a Supreme court appointment, said, “I’m not leaving the most exclusive club in the world for anything.”

Standing up for Democracy is worth risking the loss of status.  Nathan Hale, before he was hanged on 22 September1776, “I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country.”  

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