Thursday, January 3, 2019
Why I started this Blog
In 2019, I would like to begin communicating with my friends using this mechanism. I have decided that I will do it at least once a week so that there is a continuation of my thinking and a pressure on me to actually put in writing what I think. As the new Congress starts, there are many things that the new Members face, and perhaps some experience from the past may be useful.
2 April 2022 Campaign Season Begins
Today in my commune of 661 souls the 12 pictures of the Presidential candidates for the Presidency of France sprouted on sign boards in th...
Periodically the tech savvy members of Legislative bodies want to introduce Technological changes to the operation of Government. The Hou...
Should I escape isolation in rural France and enter Isolation in my apartment on QA Hill in Seattle? Donald says, “Come home now or plan to...
Something has provoked me to write this essay several times since I left Congress. In this instance, it was the response of medical exper...